October 31, 2014

How To Dress Up For Winter In Bangladesh

For a country that has 6 seasons, we can all agree that Bangladesh
has only really has two - hot and moderately cold.
And while we might not have the freezing winter that would allow us to layer in the latest trends in the western world, it doesn't mean we have to give up style.
There is a few points you need to keep in mind.
    • Don’t let the bright lights and pretty store windows dry out your wallet. In a city like Dhaka where you have whole sale markets, you can get perfectly chic clothing for a fraction of the price. Remember, a high price tag does not necessarily mean high fashion.
      • Your style is you, it’s a part of your personality. Don’t let the chilly air take that away from you. Whether you’re a girl who adores vintage, or a down to earth bohemian lover, or preppy,  punk or edgy support your style while keeping your toes from freezing.
        • The problem with our lovely little corner of the world is that we tend to be lagging behind on the latest trends. And while your major chain brands may be advertising one thing as the hottest thing ever, you may end up being a season or two behind in the fashion world. As a matter of fact, Bangladesh usually is a few years late when it comes to trends.
        Go online and check out what’s hot and what’s not. Mix and match different trends to your liking so that you can create your own personalised winter look.


        Starting with warmer days, you can wear a light sweater or a tunique and add a large scarf for when it gets chilly

        Or a light cardigan...

        Moving on to colder days, you want to privilege thicker fabric sweaters if you know you're sensitive to cold

        Or a chunky cardigan if you're not going to be outside all day and you might get hot



        Wearing a denim shirt gives basically everything a very casual effect, you can pair it with any kind of sweater that you like making sure to bring the collars out

        Pair them with a skirt for a more feminine look exuding somewhat a little elegance 



        The lace to express your delicacy, paired with a blazer instantly making it more professional, perfect for both work and afterwork dates

        More casual, more comfortable, yet a tad ladylike because of the pencil skirt 


        MODERN BOHO 

        A crocket top and a pleated chiffon skirt, for a very casual, girly look

        This printed kimono is barely boho but the because of the prints, you can match the style while staying very comfortable on a hot day 

        Although stepping out of the principle of the boho style, in some day you want to look very neat and polished, wear your scarf with a belt like this


        ROCK CHIC

        The good old leather jacket for your inner rockstar, paired with black pants

        With a cute little dress for totally different look, yet, the same jacket



        You can never go wrong with your varsity jacket and your checked shirt 

        But you can always go for the numbered sweatshirt this year for a change 



        Although hijab is definitely not for fashion purposes, it's never a problem to look super chic while being conservatively dressed 

        For a more casual look, wear a full sleeve t-shirt along an oversized t-shirt pairing them with a cute printed maxi skirt 


        - Please keep in mind that these are just inspirational pictures, I'm not saying you have to wear exactly these certain products.

        - One important thing I've learned about clothes in my life is that quality is far more important than quantity. My sister being a fashion designer specialised in knits, eventually from Paris (obnoxious moment full of pride, sorry, just to convince you my love), I've seen the amount of work good brands put into their clothes. So trust me, you don't want the overpriced clothes from Bangladeshi shops but you do want a good quality product, even if you can get way cheaper. 
        Also, nowadays, it's totally possible to shop from abroad online or when you go to another country for vacation etc.

        - The reason I'm only using 'western' clothing is because if you're Bengali, you're already as expert on our traditional clothing. This is a help for those who struggle when it comes to other.